Thursday, February 13, 2014

1st Semester Refletion

1st Semester reflection

     During the first semester of tenth grade I experienced many different emotions, lived memorable moments, went through new experiences and thought of some decisions to make. Looking back , I'm proud of some things, but I know that improvements need to be made .

     Being a scholarship student, sometimes taking care of all responsibilities in school and at home can be a bit tiring and that's exactly what happened from the middle of last semester until the holidays. At first, I was willing and ready to be organized and disciplined with all my activities, dealing well with my schedule and still having time to enjoy myself with my family and friends. One of the most important things I learned is that the balance between our academic duties and our social life and our health is essential for best performance and achievement in all areas of our life. If you do not find a way to organize yourself to be a good student-athlete and enjoy your lives outside of school everything becomes less pleasurable.


     This second semester I plan to be more organized and disciplined to be able to dedicate myself even more to basketball and maintain or improve my grades in all subjects. Not only that, but knowing that looking for help from my peers and teachers is a great option at the time that I'm a little lost, too tired, and also when I have ideas and opinions to share, so that we get involved with each other and with the school. During this school year, one of the best things I did was to know better my friends, I spent more time with them and realized that I'm not the only one who has problems and we all have something to offer to each other, either academically or not. Having good friends facilitated a period which apparently seemed impossible for me to survive. 
     Now I can say that most of us are concerned about the IB and the responsibilities and experiences to come. Sometimes we see our older friends walking the hallways like zombies, telling they barely slept and that they would give anything to be able to go back and enjoy or study more during their first two years of high school. Having them as example helps us prepare for next year, we know that time management is essential and we may have to give up some things for us to conquer our goals, mainly to establish priorities. During vacations I realized that not everything happens the way we want or plan, but we must be prepared to face different situations and people too. If we are not willing to experience new things and open our minds to different perspectives, everything becomes more complicated. We need to be flexible to understand when to stop or be more demanding, share or listen, learn or teach ..


     I guess my tip is do not compare yourself to people around you, each of us will go through the moments we have to pass, the best thing to do is give our best in everything we do and not be afraid of failure.